<aside> 👉🏼 Contents Overview Entire scene is missing Part of the scene is missing Surfaces are missing Materials are incorrect Flickering objects Light bleeding



If your project doesn’t look quite right (or is missing altogether), we’ve assembled a list of the most common reasons to help you troubleshoot.

Entire scene is missing


If you only see a blue sky and no geometry, this is due to a mismatch between the .zip and .udatasmith files that were uploaded:

Solution: After exporting from Datasmith, avoid changing the name of the _assets folder. Ensure that it is the _assets folder that is being compressed into a .zip and uploaded. If your asset.zip had an invalid name during the dashboard upload, please only change the zip file name, and not the name of the folder inside the zip.

Part of the scene is missing

If parts of your scene are missing, this could be due to the following: