<aside> 👉🏼 Contents Empty scene Missing surfaces Missing or incorrect materials Entering experience far away Slow FPS


Empty scene

If you open the stream and see nothing in the scene, this is likely due to a naming error when uploading your files.

If each .udatasmith project does not have an asset folder with the matching name in the asset .zip, the system will not be able to match the scene with its corresponding assets. When exporting from Datasmith, these will have matching names, so it is likely the name of one was updated, but not the other.

The name of the .udatasmith has been changed and no longer corresponds with the _Assets folder, and will result in an empty scene

The name of the .udatasmith has been changed and no longer corresponds with the _Assets folder, and will result in an empty scene

These files have corresponding names (the _Assets folder will need to be compressed as a .zip) and will be imported correctly

These files have corresponding names (the _Assets folder will need to be compressed as a .zip) and will be imported correctly

We recommend deleting the project from your workspace, and re-uploading your files, ensuring that each .udatasmith has a matching _Asset folder with the same name.

Missing surfaces

If you notice that certain geometry has missing surfaces, or surfaces that are only visible from one side, this is due to flipped normals in your imported geometry. The normal is the direction that points towards “outside” where the texture will be applied and visible. Surfaces with inverse normals, will appear invisible or inside out.

To fix this, double check the normal direction of the surfaces in your scene in your 3D software, and flip them where necessary. We highly recommend extruding individual surfaces to avoid other problems with light bleeding and rendering issues - at room scale, surfaces should be at least 10cm thick.

The wall is a single surface and is only visible from one side. Light is also leaking making the appearance of the scene inaccurate.

The wall is a single surface and is only visible from one side. Light is also leaking making the appearance of the scene inaccurate.

The same wall was extruded as a solid object and now has the desired visual appearance.

The same wall was extruded as a solid object and now has the desired visual appearance.

For software specific instructions, see ‣

Missing or incorrect materials

Unfortunately, Datasmith is missing support for a large number of materials, especially from 3dsMax. We’ve documented a list here:

Known Datasmith material issues

Unsupported materials will be imported with a white placeholder material. Each material will have its own placeholder, allowing you to easily go in and replace or edit the material once downloaded and opened in Unreal Engine.